Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Metric is defined as a way of thinking of a building as a system (Baths of the Diocletian handout).  The handout talked about how the baths were divided into different areas.  One was the caldarium, another is the tepidarium, and the other is the frigidarium.  They were divided by the different temperatures of water.  The cathedrals and churches were also divided into different areas.  They tended to keep the form of the porch, the court, and the hearth.

Finding a precedent is where a designer starts when taking up a project.  This could be of a style of furniture or a building.  The precedent is used to give a basic idea.  In studio, we were divided into groups and each group was given a building as a precedent for their portal design.  The group I am in consists of Chey, Neil, and myself.  We were given Old Saint Peter's cathedral as our precedent.  We are taking the idea of the courtyard for our design by adding a seating area or a bench.  

Presence is the feel a building gives.  An example of this could be the cathedrals.  Their high, vaulted ceilings can create a feeling of power and awe.  For me they create fear due to my extreme fear of heights, but that's just me.  Different spaces let off a different presence or feel.  Some can make you feel relaxed and calm, while others can make you feel energized and ready to go.  For me, Gatewood Studio Arts building has a relaxed feel, but I am still able to focus on what I need to do.

Thumbnails drawings are a good way to show different moments happening, even if they are in the same place.  For example, we were divided into groups in design drawing.  Each group was given a building on campus.  My group got the Mossman building by the EUC.  Even with five people in our group, we all still managed to capture different moments within the building.   

Duality is the interaction between two things and how they work with one another.  With black and white, the black would seem as though it were more overpowering to the white, because our eye is drawn to that point or that area.  It gives us a sense or presence of being mysterious; the unknown.  

All of these words; metric, precedent, presence, moments, and duality; all intertwine with one another.  Precedent, presence, and moments give a person a feel for the space or the building.  They can all be different for different people and can be interpreted in different fashions.  Duality can go along with those by saying that the duality of a work or a space can be taken in a different way for two different people.  Metric has more to do with the design, but can tie with precedent because a precedent can give one the idea for the different areas or metrics.

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