Monday, March 23, 2009


[re]visions:  Revision is going back and looking at the work one has done and changing it and manipulating it to make it better.  With architecture, this could mean making something of a different scale or style or simply changing a design for structural purposes. 

audience:  In design, the building or space needs to fulfill the characteristic of delight.  This means that it needs to appeal to its audience.  For example, if you were to design a space meant for children, it would need to appeal to them.  This could involve things to climb and play on and bright, fun colors.  Another example would be Versailles.  It was designed to please the King of France and to show that he had the most money and the most fabulous house.  It was to be large and elegant to show his power and his royal status.

Character:  Every piece of architecture has it’s own character.  Patrick was talking about how, in France, all the houses in parts of France were connected together and all shared the same basic façade.  This was character of the whole complex, but not of each individual house.  With houses today, we see a similar case.  Many houses, especially in developments, tend to look basically the same as all the others.  However, on the insides, each home has it’s own character.  

Transition:  Throughout time, architecture has been through many transitions.  From the early civilizations to modern day, architecture has been revised and changed.  Transition is also very important when creating a presentation because you need to be able to move form one thing to another.  The project need to be understandable to those who look at it so that the information can be put across in a neat and readable fashion.

Datum:  In our last project for drawing, we had to set up project boards.  My group chose to run two datum lines through our boards.  We had a larger red datum line running on the top that went from a solid line to the brick layout of the floor.  On this was the title of our building and our names.  Under the diagrams, was the other, smaller datum line.  On this one, we wrote our statement about our building.  The datum lines were used to establish order and boarders within our project

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